Fairmount InSights

There are only two weeks remaining (!) to submit Letters of Intent for Fairmount4Free, our newest initiative to support small, innovative nonprofits.We’re offering organizations with the right people, tools and ideas, but small budgets (less than $250,000) the chance to receive $10,000-worth of absolutely free consulting services. Three area of service are available: strategic alignment, programmatic assessment and resource development. We’re really excited to learn about all of the powerful, creative ideas out there and figure out how we can put together our expertise to work helping take organizations to the next level.

If your organization is engaging in compelling work to help make Philadelphia an even better place to live, work and visit, we want to hear from you! Check out our RFP and get the details on what we’re looking for. A brief, basic letter notifying us of your interest is due by June 29th. Send things our way at free@fairmountinc.com.