Fairmount InSights

We are pleased to announce that Healthy NewsWorks has been chosen as the recipient of our second Fairmount4Free pro bono initiative.

The Fairmount4Free team will be helping Healthy NewsWorks develop a funding strategy to sustain and grow its activities. In schools across the greater Philadelphia region, Healthy NewsWorks transforms children into reporters who publish health-focused student newspapers. Participants in the program learn about important health issues, while simultaneously building their reading, writing, researching, and interviewing skills. The final product: newspapers filled with high quality articles that help schools address their health concerns by sharing findings with students, their families, and school employees.

We received nearly 30 applications this year, all of them from incredible organizations doing remarkable work in Philadelphia. While we were thrilled to see such a high level of interest in Fairmount4Free, the volume and quality of applicants made our final decision exceptionally difficult.

We are excited to start working with Healthy NewsWorks, and would like to thank all who expressed interest.