Fairmount InSights

Following a long and difficult discussion, we are excited to announce the winning recipient of Fairmount4Free’s inaugural pro bono consulting services. This year, we will be working with PhilaSoup, an organization that hosts a monthly micro-grant dinner that brings together innovative and dynamic Philadelphia-area educators, highlights the great work they are doing and funds exciting projects for implementation in the classroom.During this process, we’ll continue publishing updates on this blog, and hopefully will include some resources and/or information that is helpful for all – so keep checking back.

On the whole, we were truly impressed with the submissions we received, and were humbled to discover how many smart, energetic and thoughtful people there are in the City of Philadelphia doing vital and inspiring work. And on such shoestring budgets! I immediately feel some vicarious anxiety thinking about how challenging it really is.

I will forego the rest of the standard clichés typically employed in these situations to simply say that we look forward to a fruitful engagement, and hope to establish Fairmount4Free as an ongoing service in the coming years.