Fairmount InSights

As some of you may know, the Fairmount family has grown in recent months with the addition of our new strategic partners and officemates, Sage Communications Partners and Mialstones Consulting.  Beyond the perks of finally having a couch and flatscreen TV in the office, we’re energized by their fresh thinking that’s already producing new ideas, resources and opportunities for our clients.

As one example of this dynamic team approach, the Fairmount–Sage alliance was invited to present at the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ regional conference in May.  Our interactive case studies focused on how nonprofits without large marketing and development budgets can focus their planning, communications, and fundraising efforts to get heard and attract funding. We posed five key questions nonprofits should ask themselves to stay on target.

  1. What’s the big idea?
  2. What do you need to succeed?
  3. Who can make it happen?
  4. What matters to them?
  5. How can you reach them?

Engaging board and management in discussion around these questions provides the framework for more effective communications and fundraising.  Having a clear understanding of your goals, knowing the best actors to help you achieve them, and targeting messages most likely to reach and resonate with those audiences will help your organization become more than just a face in the crowd. So get ready to stand up and sing.