Lori Blair

Vice President

Lori Blair draws on her more than twenty years of experience in nonprofit leadership and consulting in leading strategic planning and organizational transformation projects at Fairmount. Lori is in her element when engaging with clients, asking questions, listening to different ideas and building connections between diverse viewpoints. When a client is focused on the shared vision of the future, a shared path forward can always be found.

Lori spent twenty years working for a global volunteer organization building access to education and economic empowerment for women and girls. She led the program, fundraising, and marketing communications teams and change management initiatives. Her experience includes leading a collective impact effort across twenty countries and territories which resulted in improved organization-wide performance, increased impact, and resources needed to fuel that impact.

Lori is a people person and a dedicated lifelong learner. Every consulting engagement provides an opportunity to build new relationships and a deep understanding of new organizations – their work, history, and culture. When working with a client, Lori keeps an eye on culture because she understands it can derail the best-laid plans. She ensures her clients are aware of cultural issues that could waylay their plans and helps them to take the steps necessary to bring people along with strategy and process.

In choosing to make Philadelphia her home, Lori is deeply invested in making it a good home for all who live here. She believes there is nothing better than working with people who are passionate and dedicated to creating a better world for others.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, West Chester University
  • Master of Arts, Political Science, University of New Mexico
  • Certificate, Non-Profit Management, The Nonprofit Center, La Salle University

Volunteer Service:

  • Finance Committee, Access Matters

Professional Experience:

  • Vice President, Impact & Strategy, Soroptimist/LiveYourDream.org
  • Senior Consultant, Tecker International
“I am a true believer in the power of a well-crafted strategic plan to guide and focus an organization’s decisions and resources on achieving its vision of the future.”

Email Lori: lblair@fairmountinc.com

Connect with Lori on LinkedIn

Aimée Miller

Nicole Meyenberg
Vice President

Margarita Queralt Mirkil
Vice President

Lori Blair
Vice President

Margaret Walker
Senior Consultant

Rae Pagliarulo

Rebecca Steffy

Matilda Ostow

Lizzie Herestofa
Research Assistant