Fairmount InSights

We here at Fairmount are really excited to launch our newest initiative for supporting small, innovative nonprofits. We’re calling it Fairmount4Free because – well, it is.

Basically, we want to give organizations with great people and powerful ideas but small budgets (less than $250,000) the opportunity to get valuable support. We’re offering services in strategic alignment, programmatic assessment and resource development. At the same time, we’re giving our own junior Associates the chance to hone their skills, and for Fairmount as a whole to support and contribute to our local community.

We know Philadelphia has important issues it needs to address. But we also know that the city is teeming with smart, creative and passionate people and organizations trying to tackle these issues every day, and many on shoestring budgets. Some of these ideas might be just what we need to create broader impact and inspire lasting change. Fairmount knows what it takes for ideas to become reality, and we want to provide our expertise to help push those without the financial means to the next level.

Fairmount’s four staff Associates are taking the lead on this initiative, with guidance and a heavy dose of support from our more senior colleagues. We’re thinking that when smart, energetic professionals collaborate to bring innovative new ideas to the forefront, good things can happen.

Get more info about Fairmount4Free, and details on how to apply by June 29, 2012.