Fairmount Ventures is committed to supporting our constituents and clients as the world now navigates uncharted territory. We’re keeping our human and furry loved ones close, sharing Zoom pro tips and backgrounds, and working remotely with clients to develop rapid response outreach to their supporters in this moment of urgency and need. In short, we’re digging deep within our 28 years of firm experience and collective expertise to help Philadelphia-area nonprofits navigate the short, medium, and long-term. Here’s some of what we observe, and advise, on what nonprofits need to know this week:

- The City of Philadelphia has a survey for nonprofit organizations to help “government, donors and funders of Greater Philadelphia understand the needs of the region’s nonprofit sector and the vulnerable populations they serve during the effects of COVID-19.” We strongly encourage all nonprofits to participate in this survey; arts and culture organizations can also engage in a separate survey from the City, as it considers its response to this sector.
- Nonprofits can still apply for grants from the PHL COVID-19 Fund; the first phase of grants will support immediate needs of vulnerable populations. It’s likely that future grants will be available for organizations supporting economic recovery and to enable continuity of services. Philanthropy Network also lists a growing roundup of County-specific Fund supports, and the new Philadelphia Emergency Fund for Stabilization of Early Education (PEFSEE) application opens Monday, April 6. Wondering whether your organization should apply for these resources? Let’s talk it through.
- You were about to send an appeal or make a big ask, or your main source of revenue dried up overnight. What should you be saying to your donors and funders right now? Should you say anything? While every organization is different, Fairmount’s advice is the same now as ever: reach out and have honest conversations with your supporters. Don’t make assumptions about what they’re thinking as far as their philanthropic priorities: find out! This is a helpful tip sheet for approaching genuine conversations with donors during these unsettled times.
- Lastly, the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act offers economic stimulus resources for nonprofits as well as small business. This chart summarizes the opportunities available to keep your operations and teams whole, whether they are mobilizing to provide essential front-line services or continuing to advance your mission and long-range strategic goals.
Stay well and know that we’re here for you. Please, share your questions, concerns, and updates with us too; let’s combine forces to all come out stronger on the other side of this crisis.