Fairmount InSights

In a few weeks, kids will head back to school for a new year – different teachers, interesting classes, and hopefully some new friends. Making friends for an organization isn’t all that different from making friends with another kid on the playground.

Who are some new friends you’d like to make this year?

Who do you know that can introduce you? Are you willing to ask them to make the connection?

What are 2 or 3 things you can offer the person you want to meet? That is, what’s in it for them? Can you help them fill a social, emotional, intellectual or professional need?

What’s something you can do together that will let them see for themselves that the organization is special? What’s an experience that only your organization can provide? Forget about fact sheets and please – please – don’t use nonprofit jargon.

The best way to make something happen is to write it down and to share it with someone. I’d love to hear about your friend-making goals and strategies. What’s your plan?