Fairmount InSights

The Philanthropy Network of Greater Philadelphia released a study highlighting key facts about giving in the region. There were many interesting details worth reading. One that stands out is survey respondents’ perception of how successful their giving contributes to the success of an organization. From the study:

  • Three-quarters of respondents say they achieve the desired impact of their giving always (9%) or usually (67%), while 22 percent say this occurs occasionally.

What does it mean that more than one out of five philanthropists believe that most of the time, their money doesn’t create the intended results?

They’re not blaming lack of impact on nonprofits. Instead it’s an opportunity to examine ways nonprofits can be better equipped to not only meet their donors’ expectations, but more importantly best assist their service population.

Philanthropists in the study acknowledged the need to do more than just give money. While money supports the backbone of any organization to fulfill their mission, it’s only one factor that’s critical to making a tangible difference.

As you prepare your year-end annual appeals, consider in what ways, besides money, would best help you succeed in 2015? If you’re unable to articulate what you need to succeed (aside from money) that means you’re lacking clarity. And that lack of intense focus will limit your organization’s capacity to acquire the resources you need and to deliver results.


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