Fairmount’s Favorite Tweets: 1/27 – 1/31 Edition

Who says you can’t teach an experienced dog new tricks? Fairmount Ventures has joined Twitter!

The Twitterverse is alive with stimulating conversation. Weekly we’ll share some of our favorite tweets. We view it as a quick way to stay informed on the facts, news, and quotes that introduced something we think is neat, interesting, or even funny. Continue reading

When The Food Trust Parties, Everyone’s Invited

Last night marked the end of a fun tradition my boyfriend and I started this summer – sharing mouthwatering food truck finds, listening to great local music, bobbing and weaving through massive crowds, trying absurd new ice cream flavors (and I mean that in the most delicious way possible) and eating more desserts than any human should attempt in one sitting, then collapsing on a street curb in a food-induced coma to watch the rest of the excitement unfold – AKA the Night Market. Continue reading

Hey, What’s the Big Idea?

As some of you may know, the Fairmount family has grown in recent months with the addition of our new strategic partners and officemates, Sage Communications Partners and Mialstones Consulting.  Beyond the perks of finally having a couch and flatscreen TV in the office, we’re energized by their fresh thinking that’s already producing new ideas, resources and opportunities for our clients.
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