Giving Tuesday launches My Giving Story

Recently Giving Tuesday launched a special contest called “My Giving Story” on Facebook to encourage people to share their most meaningful experience in supporting a nonprofit. Winners of the contest have the chance to win up to $5,000 for their designated nonprofit along with a personal gift card. Continue reading

Nonprofit Leaders Explore Social Innovation

How do you know when you’ve struck social innovation?

This was the topic of a recent panel event hosted by Exchange PHL, a contingent of organizations in Greater Philadelphia united by their intent to develop opportunities for collaboration, share promising ideas for social change, and build new networks. Luke Butler, Chief of Staff to the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Nick Torres, co-founder of the Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal shared insights about social innovation evaluation to about 20 attendees. Continue reading

What Philadelphia’s Indego Bike-Share Informs about Community Collaboration

Now more than ever, nonprofits need to partner with different communities to combat social problems.

In the past, it was common for nonprofits to solve problems for communities instead of solving problems with communities. But, current research shows that the quickest and most comprehensive way to approach social issues is to engage a range of stakeholders, infusing their input into the problem-solving process. Continue reading

What Nonprofit Leaders Can Learn From The Sony Cyber Attack

The ongoing data breach revelations at Sony are interesting, to say the least.

Nobody is certain who’s responsible for the cyber attack. But cyber security experts analyzing the case agree that Sony was severely under-prepared, especially for a multinational company.

You might be thinking ‘what does this have to do with the nonprofit sector?’ Continue reading

Does Parental Involvement = Student Achievement?

A recent New York Times op-ed titled “Parental Involvement Is Overrated” challenges conventional wisdom that increased parent engagement improves student academic achievement. Authors Keith Robinson and Angel L. Harris argue some parent involvement can even limit students academically. Robinson and Harris believe parents must do three things to positively impact their child’s academic success. Continue reading

Get2Know: Alejandro Gac-Artigas – Founder and CEO of Springboard Collaborative

A new generation of leaders has emerged to produce tangible impact across Philadelphia. This new energy is expanding economic, health, education and cultural opportunity, positioning Philadelphia as a must-visit destination and a place residents are proud to call home. Fairmount met with Alejandro Gac-Artigas, the 25-year-old founder of Springboard Collaborative (@SpringboardPHL) in the second installment of Get2Know. This segment reveals the personal side of young change agents impacting Greater Philadelphia and beyond.
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Fairmount’s Favorite Tweets 3/3 – 3/7 Edition

The Twitterverse is alive with stimulating conversation. Sometimes we’ll share some of our favorite tweets. Fairmount’s Favorite Tweets is a quick way to stay informed on interesting and innovative thoughts that can help your organization think smarter and create greater impact.  Continue reading