Fairmount’s day-to-day client work is continually enriched by the skills and insights of our Research Assistants. Working a flexible 10 hours a week around their studies, RAs help generate a wide range of data to inform our consulting team’s strategy recommendations – socio-economic and census information, background on funder grantmaking priorities and awards, research-informed best practice in the nonprofit sector, and donor wealth capacity and philanthropic giving history, among others. This latest spotlight on our team features RA Rachel Urban (Temple University/BS in Community Development and BA in Economics, December 2019), who shares more about her goals and experience working at Fairmount Ventures.

FV: What drew you to working at Fairmount as you pursue your studies?
RU: I am currently in my last semester of pursuing my undergrad degrees in Economics and Community Development. This is the hard, confusing time in life when college graduates are stuck on discovering themselves – who exactly they want to be, where they want to be, what they want to do with their future. Fairmount Ventures helped me start to uncover these answers. I saw working at Fairmount as an opportunity to exercise the skills and tools my courses and past internships have taught me, while also gaining new knowledge and experience to help prepare me for being successful in my professional field post-graduation. Fairmount has allowed me to apply my Economic skills of data research and analysis to a more mission-driven focus serving nonprofits, relating to my passion for Community Development.
FV: What’s one example of a Fairmount project you’ve worked on that’s advanced your understanding of the nonprofit sector, and how?
RU: I helped vet and prioritize potential donors for one of Fairmount’s clients researching their background, affiliations, past charitable gifts, boards, and commissions to create prospect profiles critical to developing the client’s fundraising strategy. Through this, I have learned how significant the work done in the nonprofit sector is – essential to the mission of the nonprofit, and meaningful to the values of donors. The projects and programs these nonprofits operate often have a deeper meaning to them which is what captures the hearts of donors and unifies a community.
FV: Favorite Philadelphia extracurricular activities?
RU: My favorite thing to do is try out new restaurants around the city! Philadelphia’s diverse population brings in an array of foods from various cultures. I love getting to experience new and different flavors, and discover ‘hidden gems’ within the city. Restaurant week is always a ‘must’ for me.
Looking for a flexible position to learn more about the nonprofit sector as you pursue your degree, or know someone stellar who is? See our Research Assistant job description and application process at http://fairmountinc.com/about-us/careers/.