One truffle in the box

Yesterday’s mail included a nice surprise underneath the bills: a one-pound box of dark truffles. There were about 30 truffles  – old favorites to savor and new flavors to test. The project you’re trying to pitch to a funder is just one truffle in the box.

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Make New Friends

In a few weeks, kids will head back to school for a new year – different teachers, interesting classes, and hopefully some new friends. Making friends for an organization isn’t all that different from making friends with another kid on the playground. Continue reading

Something Simple You Can Do…Today

Picture a postcard that’s a treasured memento to you. Maybe it’s from your grandmother, who sent it from Cape May the summer she celebrated her 70th birthday. Its corners have curled into two separate, tightly wound pieces, the bright beach scene that once splashed across its front is now a faded pastel palette, and the card’s creases are so numerous and deep that you can’t read your grandmother’s words anymore. But, still, they stick with you because her message meant something. Continue reading