Drexel & The Free Library Collaborate

This month we’re examining collaborations within the nonprofit sector. With a growing emphasis for organizations to work together, highlighting examples that show tangible results or significant promise stemming from strategic alliances is useful. Continue reading

What Nonprofit Leaders Can Learn From The Sony Cyber Attack

The ongoing data breach revelations at Sony are interesting, to say the least.

Nobody is certain who’s responsible for the cyber attack. But cyber security experts analyzing the case agree that Sony was severely under-prepared, especially for a multinational company.

You might be thinking ‘what does this have to do with the nonprofit sector?’ Continue reading

Philanthropists Measure Their Impact

The Philanthropy Network of Greater Philadelphia released a study highlighting key facts about giving in the region. There were many interesting details worth reading. One that stands out is survey respondents’ perception of how successful their giving contributes to the success of an organization. From the study: Continue reading